The Eye-Popping Colors Of Peter Max

My fascination with Peter Max started in my college days and I have been collecting his prints ever since. My collection is primarily from the Beatles era (aka the psychedelic era) but I also have a few modern pieces.

The Artist Who Painted An Era

In 1999, Peter Max called me personally and asked me to develop a silver jewelry line that he would co-design with his wife and sell on QVC. While nothing ultimately came of that plan, it solidified my love of his work. He is very prolific.
From the finest-done oil paintings and massproduced prints down to signed posters for QVC, imagine the power of selling 1,000 massproduced posters on a TV show for $300 each in one hour and netting a $100,000 profit for
that hour!

flourishes prints


Today, Peter Max is reportedly not in good health. While his small bronzes and acrylics have brought $30,000 to $50,000, most lithographs sell in the $300-$1,000 range. Subject matter is important; his early Beatles-era pieces and occasional paintings of a celebrity bring better dollars. He also experimented heavily with “embellished” lithographs (prints with small flourishes), and they sell in the $1,000-$5,000 range.

He was fond of dashing off a personal sketch on the back of a print, which adds value. While his work is not for everyone, his colorful renderings have tickled the fancy of three generations. Remember that condition and size are very important in valuation.


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This is an archival article formerly written and is for informational purposes only. The valuations in this article have likely changed since it was first written.

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