Things I Actually Collect

People often ask me what I collect. The answer? Everything. Not really, but my collecting habit is what originally got me into this. Today, my collection consists of things that we overpaid on and things that may have a bit of damage. One notable Tiffany glass vase in our house is often commented on, but secretly, it is turned to one side to hide a hairline
crack that makes it unsellable.

I still collect a few things, one of which we will discuss: Hamilton watches. Before becoming a dealer, I worked in finance and music. But I collected Hamilton watches and researched them. My first research was published in “American
Wristwatches: Five Decades of Style and Design” (Schiffer Publishing) in 1988. Pick up this book online if you get the chance.

We buy and sell Hamilton watches all the time, but I collect certain models and styles. These are the “sleepers” that are worth much more than Hamilton’s everyday watches.

reverso otis

Hamilton Reverso/Otis

piping rock

Hamilton Piping Rock

Hamilton Pacer

Do You Have Any Old Hamilton Watches? They Might Be Valuable.

Hamilton started in 1892, and produced its first wristwatch in 1917, in response to the need for an alternative to pocket watches for soldiers during World War I. Since they concentrated on high quality watches, they did not produce nearly as many as rivals Elgin and Waltham.

Check your drawers; even nonworking Hamilton’s have “some value,” primarily men’s. Look for any vintage Hamilton 18 karat gold or platinum, and any oddly shaped cases. Here are some examples of common versions we buy, and more rare versions.

cross country

Hamilton Cross Country

Hamilton Seckron Doctors

Hamilton Reverso/Otis; 18K gold $2,000; 14k gold $1,000; Gold-filled $500.
Hamilton Piping Rock; 14K $800; 18k $2,000.
Hamilton Pacer; Gold-filled $300, working or not; 14k $1,500, working or not.
Hamilton Cross Country $100-$600.
Hamilton Seckron Doctors; Gold-filled $500; 14k $1,200; 18k $2,000.

Three former Sothebyscom associates and three art historians
on staff. We will buy for cash or consign to auction
any of your rare, valuable watches, antiques, coins
or collectibles. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

This is an archival article formerly written and is for informational purposes only. The valuations in this article have likely changed since it was first written.

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